Clan Mechs


First up for treatment is the lowly Puma. A small, fast and deadly mech the puma is probably my favourite. My top 3 personal varients are:-

1) Sniper: 2 er large lasers,

2) Meatball1: 2 ppc's

3)Meatball ac1: 2 ultra ac 5s

Next is the Madcat. This is by far the most popular mech online with everyone having their own version. To be honest I am not a great fan but it is difficult to go wrong in this heavy mech:-

1) Sniper: 4 er large lasers, ecm, TC, 3x ams, DH. 5/10



Now we have the Thor. Similar to the Madcat in most respects ie:- a fast heavy mech the Thor does sport fewer weapons than the Madcat but is heavier armored. Generally a choice for experienced mech pilots the Thor is not quite as forgiving as the Madcat:-

1)blowfish1:-2x ER PPC, 4x Mlaser(non clan),LRM 10, 4x M pulse lasers(non clan),14DH, FCS, 4 jj. 8/10 This design was kindly supplied by EVILBLOWFISH



The Shadowcat is another favorite of mine and is very similar to the Puma in most respects but is slightly faster and better armed as you would expect from a heavier mech. For a beginner the basic Shadow cat is probably the best "fast" mech you can get, although a little work can bring big rewards:-

1)Sniper: 2 er large lasers, ecm, TC, masc, 3x ams, JJ. 7/10



Lastly for now we have the Daishi. at 100t there is no heavier mech a fact that be exploted against many lesser mechs. Although well armored the Daishi is very slow so anything to make it faster is a good idea. One common role for the Daishi is as a support mech where the lack of speed is less of a burden:-

1) Mr Missile: 2x lrm20, lrm10, narc,2x ppc's,FCS, TC, DH.7/10



The Vulture is most deffinately the best non assault mech when it comes to use as a support mech the basic model while lacking in certain areas is a very good place to start for someone looking to work in the support role:

1) Meatball1b:- 2xLRM20,5x M pulselasers, FCS, 3jjs, ams. 7/10 NB. this mech is designed as a pop-up missile mech ie hide behind a hill and use the jjs to pop-up when you have lock with your lrms


click here to see some inner sphere mechs