Dr Meatballs' News
Hhmm it's been a while since i last put some news here hasn't it? Well then what has happened since then? lets see first the proposed match betwenn the evilfish and [DOA] clans never happened due to [DOA] disdanding 30 mins before the match!!! so i have had to form a new clan called "The Norwegian Blues" ( [NB] for short) in honour of that famous Monty python scetch involving a parrot. So far i have recruited about 5 other players so that is six of us including me, as yet i have not got a webpage together for us yet but i would recommend that we use my delphi forum(see the links page for address) for clan info. The other big news is that I have managed to import a copy of the Pirate's Moon expansion pack from the US and it works with no problem so I cannot understand why Hasbro(yaa boo sucks) refuse to release it over here in the UK/Europe something about copy protection I heard but a sorce tells me that what protection there is is fairly minmal and easily removed but I can't comment on that due to the fact i know notthing about programming/hacking! ps look out for a Pirates moon mech lab section at some time in the future when I have got used to the new mechs/weapons (and can be bothered!!!) |
Well it looks like we have all made it safe and sound into the new milliennium, lets hope we survive a bit longer. Any way the major news is that Godin has given up trying to start a clan due to lack of interest so scratch that one, but it appears that the EvilFish now have enough players to split into two sections so thats not too bad. My major news is that I now have a new forum, you can find the link on the new community page. |
Christmas is comeing "Hurrah" any way with the aproach of christmas and the break from school/Uni/whatever there should be a few more people around and lets hope that Santa will bring copies of mech3 to all the little kids (not likely I know as they all want Quake3 but will get "clean" stuff like tomb raider and creatures 3). Appart from this the other news is that the much awaited x-pac fro mech3 "Pirates Moon" is out in America and should be here by feb (yeah right!). First impressions from the forums is that it is a good x-pac as it fixes some of the bugs/lag but not all and that the new weapons and mechs are excellent(most of my guesses were right + some suprises). One problem appears to be that it is difficult for some reason to import the original mplayer maps from mech3 into it which is a bit of a downer as it only comes with 4. Anyway we shall see and if I don't update this till the new year "HAPPY YEAR 2000". |
Right it looks like things are finally starting to move for mech3 on wireplay with the appointment of Firefury/Furyfire (one is his wp name the otherhis MSN name) as official club captain and myself as his deputy. This should mean that withina few more weeks the Mech3 ladder will be up and running with monthly prizes. It is suggested that it would be best for all players to be join a clan although this is in noway a requirement but it would give you more of a say in how the community is run. For htis reason i hve put a list of current clans onto my site to help you find one to suit you. I will post more details as they become available but in the mean time keep checking the forum. |
Ok on sunday night 28/11/99 the first interclan game of Mech3 on Wireplay was fought. Despite only playing 1 of the 3 maps intended and the fact that substitute(s) were used as people were unable to make it the match was a success. The two teams were the EvilFishCan and Clan[DOA]. in the end the EvilFish were the victors with a score of 10:6. |
some notes on what I beleive is comming in the soon to be released extention pact "Pirate's Moon". First we are due 6 new mechs including the Atlas, Warhawk/Masakari, Clint IIC and 3 other mechs.Then we have new maps and game styles for multiplayer including destroy/defend missions and a capture the flag game(I maybe wrong about the capture the flag). Also we are promised the ability to play as elementals in both instant action and multiplayer games. Finally some new weapons are to be included such as the thunderbolt(a big missile I believe) and maybe some of the other weapons from Mechcommander Gold including the railgun(big gauss rifle), X-pulse laser(fast recharge laser weapon) and maybe the light gauss rifle. |
If you want to reach me try the email link or try joining Wireplay: simply the best all British gaming network(yet) you can find the site in the links page |