Clans and Stuff


Here is a list of all the clans on wireplay (that I know about) with details on who to contact about joining and what sort of clan they are. If a clan has a website it will be on my links page


First up we have the Evil Fish Clan. The Evil Fish were the first clan to establish themselves on wireplay and as such are the best known amongst the community. Currently the "best" clan as they won the first and only clan match on wireplay beating clan [DOA]. Currently there are 7 or 8 members of this clan which for a game with a max of 4 aside seems a bit much.

To contact the Evil Fish try their website or look for EvilPilotFish on ICQ

As I have stated on my news page [DOA] are no more involved in the mech3 community as they lost several key members and have decided to stick to TFC.

The upshot of this is that we have a new clan run by myself called "The Norwegian Blues" ( [NB] for short) for more info contact me or check out my forum from the links page.



 Unfortunatly Mr skiff has had to shut down his clan so appologys for not updateing this sooner.

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